As i write this am sitting in my lounge room on a bean bag, beer sitting next to me, laptop on my lap and oh god, the horror, TV infront of me with meercat manor screening and some bastard flatmate had left the remote in view and out of reach.
What on earth could be the driving force behind this disturbing banality! Some tv exec has no doubt gone, "Meercats are pretty cute, lets make a tv series of em" Someone craps on and gives em names, meercats act like meercats.
Its just stipid and boring, and after a while, they arnt even that cute.
So the update.
There was a housewarming, it was a little lackluster in turnouts, all of my girls friends turned up, most of the people i invited either called or smsed to say they couldnt turn up due to tickets for games, just having got up from the results of the night before, or i assume just clean forgetting.
It was a small and nice party. Without too much to clean up afterwards.
So the general update is I find myself in love with a Japanese girl in Brisbane, she is the sweetest and most gentle girl i have ever met. She is also insanely cute, as probably only a japanese girl can be.
Work is settling into a groove, I sit at my desk work, chat with some ppl around as i make coffee or clean crap up and every so often have a bit of ruffled feathers showing with my boss. In general things are going well... I'm due to come off a probationary period soon.
I even got some housewarming presents a budhist windchime with dragons and red tassels and a bell, and a teacloth with japanese writing on it, its pretty cool.
I also just saw Teladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. It is probably Will Farrel's best film to date. I fully recommend seeing it. It was awesome, from Ali G playing the bad gay french guy to the longest crash in the history of NASCAR and the best vagrant dad ever. Let us not forget the silliest and coolest training montage I have seen in a long while.
Also on the list of things to see is The devil wears Prada
There was some other movie I saw recently and... well... I can't actually remember what it was right now...
I'll get back to you on that one.
signing off for the moment
P.S: I am currently waiting for my new car, it was supposedly missing a rear wing, a newer one has been reattached, it has be serviced and repaired and tweaked and fix, and shortly it should be enroute to me