Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Intra Office Politix

This office environment is pretty new to me overall. Its strange how bitchy sneaky or backstabbing people can be and yet just about everything is done in hushed muted tones and conversations.

Impressions carry a lot of weight, hallway conversations reek of secrecy, importance and reliability and I work with what generally seem nice people! I get to do interesting stuff, its pretty easy going... isn’t it?

Or is it? Maybe I don’t play the game as well as I thought I did!


At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about the gossipy people anyway eh! Ignore people ;D

At 12:53 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

just keep on being your easy going, annoying self and they will learn not to involve you.. don't let the bastards drag you down!!!

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Welcome to office politics, dude.

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make lil effigies of them and burninate/smasherate them. :) I found that imposing the image of someone I don't like onto a punch bag works wonders... although people at the gym have stopped talking to me after I began cackling spontaneously.... :p

Also, anon, unless you're some kind of maladjusted sociopath, most people can't ignore other people at work. Thats why they call it a work place environment: you're immersed in it. :p

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Sigmund said...

you are a bastard

At 1:37 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

i agree. anyone who posts as anonymous is a fuckwit demanding reprimand. unless they did it by accident. but even then. it's still gay. but not as gay as a fantasy novel.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

and i would agree about the office politics if i knew. see i only worked at crown for four years and i wore a uniform and dealt mainly with customers.. which means i know nothing about office politics.. among 2000 floorstaff-the backstabbing, the secret hallway conversations, the alliances, the underhanded pricks that lie and cheat their way to the next promotion.. i know nothing at all about it. because where i was.. it was so fucking bad.. people ASPIRED to become an office worker.. they ripped apart good reputations and implicated innocent people in dodginess and crucified anyone silly enough to point out that they were not being very nice. just to claw their way to the relative haven of the office team.. oh the unexplainable desperation.. the willingness to do almost anything to get out of that uniform and into a suit of your own chosing. to be seen. to have a face.. so i know nothing about office politics at all. i came from a deeper hell. *sigh*


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