Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Some of you may have commented on the elusiveness of some of my comments at various stages of my blogging history. Part of the reason for this is that I often don’t see the short and direct literary route in most instances, the other is culpability.

This is the internet, anyone can read anything I write (in theory and provided big guns in internet service providing industry don't to require payment for bandwidth access.) That includes loved ones, work colleagues jilted lovers, legal adversaries, ANYONE! As a result I try not to write anything I wouldn’t admit to, to just about anyone.

This is the result...

At this point you are probably wondering what things I am omitting by this methodology, the answer is simple… the good stuff :p

P.S: If by some chance I particularly wanted to vent something about someone, that if read by that person could have negative repercussions, that venting would most likely not occur on this blog... and for this reason, woe is me.

Frustration is also me AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 12:01 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

oh quit it. who reads this shite anyway? and besides i asked for a detailed EMAIL about the fight (that's DETAILED sig DETAILED!!!) and i said to CALL me if you wanted to shoot the shit- not blog it! you tard.. ps did i mention that i WANT DETAILS?!?!?!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

if YOU want ME to tell you the details why dont YOU CALL, as i am a little busy with much crap going on, that i am not writing here for various reasons, either that or be online when i am.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

dude.. you call me if you need to chat. i just want an email with lots of details in it about the fighting.. calling sucks.. especially on my budget, and especially calling YOU!! anyway it's all good whatever..
see ya


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