Within the Standard Deviation
In the last six months there have been quite a lot of changes in my life such as a new job, new country, new colleagues and new friends.
However it does feel a lot like everything is happening around a life determining mean. It’s all sitting around some unseen average marker. Although things are sometimes up or down from the average, they don’t seem to be deviations so high or low to truly stand out.
Either way, I noticed I hadn’t been updating much in the last few months…
Work: On Monday I have a new boss, they finally hired a replacement to the last one. In general things are going well. I’m going to have to learn C++ to write many a complex mathematical program, plus lots of semi interesting in context projects.
Home: I have a new one, I moved over Christmas, Kana and I have a house to ourselves in a somewhat fancy part of town, a walk from a nice beach with a nice view.
Visa: Kana got herself a better visa and lots of stress and pressure evaporated. Another one soon to be applied for.
Car: Still Awesome, soon to be starting driving lessons for Kana. Possibly will be getting a second one at some point in the future.
Food: Lots and find new and interesting places to get it from
Muscles: Lots, of the Seafood kind generally around $2.00 a kilogram here for live ones in shells. Good on a BBQ.
BBQs: Lots and often, spreading the mythos of
Friends: More and new, some came and visited. Much fun and booze was had.
Birthdays: Oh so many both near and far!
Holidays: Busy periods of moving house, friends visiting, birthdays and traveling to
Flatmates: Possibly looking at getting one, haven’t decided much about it all yet.
Travel: A little around
Creators of Dungeons and Dragons and driver for the current wealth and popularity of the fantasy genre: -1
P.S.: For those of you who may not be aware, during my university years the morning and myself came to an agreement. We did not like each other you see. The very presence of one would upset the other, and so did we agree to part ways and never inflict our presence on the other. Through this agreement both parties were happy. This agreement remained unbroken for many a year, with the occasional reprieve being given for still being up and about after nights of drinking and revelry, where it is not truly the morning, but really the end of the night before. It does seem that I and mornings have either mellowed or have grown used to each other and no longer do we abhor each other. Instead we have come to an occasional co-existence. Although through testing the boundaries recently anything more frequent than occasional is most unpleasant for all.
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