Monday, October 08, 2007

on projects and parties

This car that i have, it's good, minor little tweaks and adjustments to it have been made, and already many more have been planned. This weekend just past did see me attempting to make a few minor changes to the vehicle. Now, the car doesn't actually these things done to it and thats not the point. These are things that I hopefully do cheaply, but mostly they are about achievement, understanding and enjoyment.

It's a fantastic excuse to fidle with various bits and pieces and find out how they work and interact, the sense of satisfaction in finishing something successfully and making something that is yours that little bit better. These should not stop you from enjoying the various little tweaks and adjustments.

One of the key elements I have found is to find a balance, some adjustments and tweaks are fun, but to realise how far you want to go and to achieve happiness with something less than the best ever. Maybe just the best for you :p

It is of achievement and accomplishment that I come to now, never is it more satisfying to stop drop and party than after spending much time and effort on something. The taste of revellry is always sweeter in contrast to salty sweat of effort.

Soon A major accomplishment will be nearing completion. The moving from one country to another, its been a stress and a trial at many different times, and for many different people. It feels like a major accomplishment, not exactly a necessary one, but important and enjoyable in a similar kind of way to a self directed project.

The upcomming event of importance, obviously, as needs requires is - a party. a celebration. With the sense of achievement and accomplishment and shadows and clouds. For as much as I do, as far as I roam, there is more that I leave behind.

To say good bye what can we do better than to celebrate the time we have had together and drink to good times yet to come!


At 10:59 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Wouldn't it be easier to get Xzibit to come over and Pimp Your Ride? :p

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

hell no, it completely defeats the purpose.

Like if I completely rewired the speakers in my car (something i am considering cause they have been done ina kinda retarded way at the moment) then when they have been fixed up i will know where all the wires go, and if anything goes wrong i will know where and how by small signs.

There is also the satisfaction of work well done (hopefully)... etc.

apparently today a snowboard instuctor called me a yogi for my flexibility and co-ordination!

I'm going to work on levitation next!

P.S. if Xzibit wants to pimp my ride he is welcome


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