Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blazing from the heavens

As didst Siegmundt partake of his momentus journey, he crossed the oceans of the Asiatic, he conquered the land of sun and white sand. He didst ford the oceans to the east and didst eventuate in a new land.

This land people were not unlike those in previous lands he had strode upon. They were slightly odd of speech, making thy verse with the shortening of certain syllables of which he had been unaccustomed. They assured him that the speech that they did utter was “choice”. And low, he did believe them.

Still unsettled and fresh from recent adventures, didst we find our proud hero still without roots. Swaying to and fro in the breezes that did harrow this new land.,‘Be calm’ he didst decry unto himself, for he was uncertain, new in this land without proper bearings. His love and most of his belongings didst stay out of sight, across an ocean, for where he did pine his comforts, what he held dear, and his love.

Even his chariot, had been left to wayward folk, the hills bathed in the Sunshine and sand of the North, leaving him as naked amidst the howling winds and sleeting rain of the new land.

With no where else to turn, did he look both high and low, near and far for a sign of those who ruled the land. When he had though all had been lost, didst from the corner of his eye, scream forth from the skies, a fiery comet. This comet didst sally forth from whence it came and laid itself sleek and fast at his side. So didst those from the new land provide this hero with his new chariot. Every inch of his new metal steed did gleam red, and shine forth reflections of all that lay around it. The chariot did vibrate with sheer ecstasy and joy of speed.

This was how in the record of the deeds of this hero coming to number, as some of our forefathers did note it ‘C’ the chariot ‘Blaze’ came into the possession of Sigmund of the dust from Stars, and so shall continue his story.


At 9:29 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

I thought that it might be worth noting in more normal language, I got myself an MR2, 1994 model, it is the most awesome car in the world!

The roof comes off, and its red.

and this was my 100th post, with some definately awesome news to impart in it

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

i also thought it best to celebrate both post and car in norse verse :p

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I think your Norse epic grammar is getting better. Could still use a proof-read though :p

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. :)

If you want more inspiration, I've got a copy of Eric the Red at my place I could send over.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I got a prose translation of Beowulf lying around somewhere... :p

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

hmmm, intriguing!

I've read your copy of Eric the Red, thats half the reason why I think writing like this is so amusing.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

dude. red sports car. the youngness of work companions making you feel a tad old eh? WELCOME TO MY WORLD. cept i bought a red home which is, i suppose equivalent. i miss you. and i agree with jen-your nordic prose is getting better. ps. kiwis are gay i won't ever NOT laugh at their accents.. it's like the neverending font of laughter for me. fuck them all.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

I miss you too mara, and for that, i may need medical help :p

It is my view that it is cool that I have a red sports car while I am young.

I now have a red sports car, at my first opportunity to afford it, not have to pay ridiculous insurance and can actually drive down the street with enough skill that accidents caused by me are unlikely.

I do have to mention that the likihood of accidents that are my fault on the road are probably slightly higher at the moment, i'm still getting completely familiar with the car and driving a manual, and the car does inspire me to drive faster than i would normally drive.

So far the limit of performance and handling of the car exceeds my bravery to test those limits... I'm sure I'll find those limits one day :)


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