Sunday, June 03, 2007


I have just arrived in Japan and as such I am going to make best use of nmy time here by... updating my blog :p

We arrived in Melbourne late at night, I had not reminded Kana about the weather in Melbourne, partly because I didn`t remember and partly because I didn`t want her to pack to much.

This was slightly sad and funny when we arrived and it was 9 degrees and Kana was only dressed for a winter night in brisbane!!! I did have a spare warm jacket for her and gloves and scarves however I didnt bring extra pants for her!!!!

It was great seeing everyone again. Friends and family.

The first night back it was straight into meeting the family. I think it was a bit late and everyone was a bit tired, so as well as updating each other on how we were and what was happening and lots of pictures and what was new, we also degenerated into a few family arguments.
All in all it was very nice and very touching.

They did manage to make improvements to the area we could stay in the spare room/little sisters study.

My grandparents had not changed much since I saw them last, 6 months is a long time. I am glad they hadn`t changed much.

Once again it was great to see and talk to them again and eat all their food.

I went out clubbing to the nightcat with some friends. A very bohemian night club in Melbourne. They had a live band playing, it was very remineiscient of traditional melbourne bands. A mixture of hip hop regae and jazz/funk. Just like cat empire, still thinking and a bunch of others. People wear completely different kinds of clothes (different from brisbane) cut up the dance floor, I drank an unsual beer and some wine and generally had a good time.

Catching up with friends was pretty amazing too. Everyone was still the same and at the same time different. Everything is changing a little without me around. Some are engaged and looking to buy a place, some are settling down and moving in with each other and a little afraid of that ( :p ) some are just getting more confident and experienced and knowing what they want a little better. Some are still the same :p.

Lots of great food was eaten in lots of different places. For me the highlight was almost a faulty towers style french resturant.

They asked us if we wanted coffee 4 or 5 time throughout the night, got my main meal wrong, forgot about the bill, ended up forgetting to charge us for desert and wouldnt give us crepe suzette still on fire!

The food was amazing however, everyone desrves to have some foi gra on top of an awesomely cooked eyefillet and inch and a half thick and proscuitto and smoked duck should always be in salad.

Jen took us on an impromptu tour of the alleys of melbourne which also coincided with looking at free renegade art gallereis of melbourne (hoisure lane, etc). Awesome looking graffiti.
Kana and I stunned our family just before we left with some awesome Japanese style cooking, teriyaki ocean trout and japanese style green bean salad plus a lot more
The party at the end of the trip made it all worth it, not to mention about 3 hours sleep before we jumped on a plane for 9 hours!


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