The return!
As things currently look I will be returning to melbourne on the 24th of May (late at night) and will be staying there until June the 2nd, upon which Kana and I shall depart for Japan.
Please feel free to start booking up some of our time in Melbourne, there are many of you we wish to catch up with! Please start planning things!
I hope to get some R&R time between work and going to japan, a country where I will have to think and expend effort to communicate with everyone... including my girlfriends parents!!!
They apparently speak none, or very very limited english!
I dread some serious middle aged japanese gentleman tell me in gutteral tones in the traditional location of a men's hot spring, that I had better be taking care of his precious little girl or his mates with the ugly looking tats will carve me a new one...
I'm assuming my understanding of the translation might be something more like "Do you like kabuki theatre and samurai moves"
I'm sure some serious and lifethreatening misunderstandings are likely to take place...
Either way be sure to start putting in bookings on my (our) time (who knows it might be my last!) and wish us well on our forthcoming journey. I hope to see much of Japan before I am ritually decapitated to remove any dishonor from kana's family
Tat's are ok. But if you see dudes with missing pinkies, you know your beau's dad hangs out with the hardasses.
Don't worry though, there won't be any ritual decapitation. The fashion seems more towards making the offender ritually disembowel himself instead, so your head is safe. :D
hey it's leila, mara's friend. good luck on your travels. i have always wanted to visit japan. say hi to kana too. btw, have u seen a korean movie called Old Boy - one of my favourite movies, you should check it out before you go! :>p
thankfully i'm back in melbourne too at the moment, just got back from amsterdam and london last week yay!! i should be updating my blog soon with some pics.
hey can u add me on your 'sites of friend' list? i'll put yours on alongside mara's :)
lol, thanks, i'll get to it, but slowly
hope you had a good trip
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