Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mountain Pearls

Never trust a Kiwi in search of Mountain Pearls, ask not why or what, merely accept the advice, avoid the situation and move on!

I have found a residence, I have furnished my room. I am more settled. I need to organise a decent internet connection, some phones and some car paperwork, but mostly I'm sorted and all this after being in a foreign country for 2 weeks.

I am reasonably impressed with myself :p

I am also completely shagged.

Its been 2 weeks of full time work with a complement of full time sorting my shit out! I look forward to a quiet weekend next week, although I am planning a quick trip to Brisbane soon, exactly when I am not sure.

Next weekend currently promises to have some close up viewing of some rally driving! I might also have some time to sort out the many photo requests I have had for my new car :p and may even take it for a spin in some mountains.... definately NOT looking for pearls...



At 8:33 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

So Sigmund, what exactly *is* a Mountain Pearl? Or do I really not want to know?

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like we missed each other by a day! I was working Auckland up until Aug 19th - we have an office on the North Shore in Albany so I do frequent trips between MEL and AKL. We should catch up for a drink sometime....Auckland reminds me of the western-suburbs of Melbourne or worse - Geelong!

Luckily my CEO was kind enough to fund Michael coming over with me this time so I didn't die of are our pics if you're wondering what there is to do:

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

Jen - you really dont want to know.

Leila - that sounds awesome! just drop me a line when you're on your way in, or vice versa, i'll drop you a mail or a message when i'm melbourne bound

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Sigmund said...

Jen - I suppose its not that bad, Sheep testicles.

I'm sure some of you guessed that

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

LOL, I love the fact that you feel the need to shield me from such low-level profanities :p

At 2:54 PM, Blogger mara - church wrecker said...

yeah sig don't let her fool you.. anyone that can actually be my friend is a right dirty cunt in disguise. YOU should protect yourself from HER mate. i hear she's training to be a sodominatrix. heh i just made that up. sodominatirix. heh (pictures jen in leather corsetry with giant strap on)
and yeah i assumed they were the testicles of some animal.. those fuckin kiwis will eat ANYTHING.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I'll bet I could earn more as a sodominatrix than as ANYTHING in the hospitality industry.

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sig - if you haven't already seen it, check out the 'oysters' in Black Sheep.


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