Sunday, April 16, 2006

The going away

Well, there I was waking up with a hangover, feeling strangely great as I shook off the remenants of not enough sleep in my family house, a place I had avoided sleeping in for many a year. Showering and shaving and eating, my family and I eventually managed to gather together the last few things I needed, shove em into my cases and we were off, slightly late to the airport.

On the way we picked up Michael. My flatmate for the last 3 years, who proceeded to hit me repeatedly for things that occurred the night before at the going away party. There were friends and drinks and suprises. Nice suprises. Which is why Michael was punching me. Possibly also the guy equivalent of saying "I'm going to miss you"

The party was however the best ever going away party I have had! Highlights of which were getting someone to try tequila shots for the first time and finding out someone I like likes me. Cool finding out, truly sucky timing.

Let me not forget the send off. All my family and some of my closest friends were there and lots of bags. It was very moving to see them there as I left. I have not started missing them and am generally excited and positive about being in Brisbane. Although considering how many calls I'm making to people back home, I may be concealing something from myself.

Either way, now I am in Brisbane. I have been going out, drinking and spending money, having fun and meeting some cool people. Somewhere amidst all of this I am also looking for places to stay. Calling and navigating the public transport and getting to know Brisbane a little better in the process. So far I have only seen 2 places, I should be seeing 2 more tomorrow. 1 place I didn't like so much, it just didn't feel right, although it was in the right price range and the right location. The second was really nice, too far away and too much money, unless I can get someone else into the second bedroom.... Ah, decisions, decisions.

signing off with some heat exhaustion,

Sigmund :p


At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hurry up and get a computer so we can do that thing we always do.. you know.. where you're really fucken irritating and then i'm a bitch back? or when you play really annoyingly clueless and i play at dispensing sage advice?
see ya
ps. i rmember an extremely funny prac joke.. put fishing line across a walkway... attach one end firmly to the wall (3M hooks are good, they take seconds to attach and leave no marks when removed) attach the other end to the lid of a party popper that is, itself, firmly attached to the other wall.. so that when the dude walks into the trip wire, the loud pop sends him into cardiac arrest and he dies in pain... hilarious..
no really.. it's fun EVEN when the dude doesn't die


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