Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The new era

Slowly the debris that makes up a life is being cleared and packed and prepared for storage or travel. Old friends are reunited only to know that they will part again. Melancholy and excitement intermingle.

It's a very silly business all together. It all seems to be moving along, slightly left to the last minute, with full awareness that something will be forgotten and go unrealized until just a little too late.

Most bits and pieces are replaceable. Most things can be bought anew, except the memories that go with them.

My library of books is packed away to gather dust. I will not be looking at them and flicking through them for a while. I collected them and read them for so long, they are my oldest friends. Leaving them feels empty, almost like betrayal.

I am being a little silly. I know that this mean I have lots of room left in this new life to buy more books that can be later added to the other books and so on until one day... I HAVE THEM ALL!

By the way, this is my first blog, be gentle and comment gratuitously.


At 1:23 AM, Blogger Sigmund said...

You may not realize it by my first post was posted twice, editting rules!

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for books! Boo for having to leave them behind. I know how you feel! But oh, the window of opportunity for more......such an exhilarating feeling! :)


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